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Our Labs

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, a cross-disciplinary environment for education and research that reflects the evolving nature of field. From traditional topics like mechanical design and power generation to emerging areas such as biomechanics and culinary science. The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 2008 with the inception of the Institute to cater to undergraduate education in the field of Mechanical Engineering with intake of 120 seats. It aims to produce quality professionals in Mechanical Engineering to compete globally and excel by carrying out basic and applied research in emerging areas by forging strong industry-institute interaction. 
          The engineering field requires a solid understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, and structural analysis. Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer-aided engineering and product life cycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, motorized vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices and more.

Mechanical Engineering Department has different laboratories with state of art facilities. Fluid mechanics lab has all new comprehensive experimental set ups catering to the requirements of curriculum and above that.  The laboratories cater to the needs of mechanical students in the subject of fluid mechanics. It strengthens and broadens the students' knowledge of incompressible fluid mechanics. To provide hands-on experience with flows those are more complex, nonlinear, or unsteady than are typically studied in a lecture course. The laboratory is equipped with large number of equipment and experimental set ups to study the fundamentals and applied aspects of fluid mechanics. The setup comprise a verity of devices like Venturimeters, Orificemeter, notches, technique for the estimation of minor and major losses in the pipes, verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem, impact of jet on vane, etc. The fluid mechanic lab is for the students of fourth semester.

1.              To determine the coefficient of impact for vanes.
2.           To determine coefficient of discharge of an orifice meter.
3.              To determine the coefficient of discharge of Notch (V and Rectangular types).
4.              To determine the friction factor for the pipes.
5.              To determine the coefficient of discharge of venturimeter.
6.              To determine the coefficient of discharge, contraction & velocity of an orifice.
7.              To verify the Bernoulli’s Theorem.
8.              To find critical Reynolds number for a pipe flow.
9.              To determine the meta-centric height of a floating body.
10.         To determine the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction and bends.
11.         To show the velocity and pressure variation with radius in a forced vertex flow.

Apparatus  in Fluid Mechanics Lab

Pipe Fitting Apparatus
Venturi Meter & Orifice Meter Apparatus
Bernouli's Theorem Apparatus
Torsion Testing Machine
Torsion test

Pipe Friction Apparatus


Properties of the materials are very important in the process of designing the durable components / machines / structures etc. These properties include mechanical properties, thermal properties, electrical properties, optical properties or magnetic properties or deterioration properties. Mechanical engineers are mainly concerned with the mechanical properties like strength, ductility, hardness, brittleness, toughness, creep, fatigue strength of the materials. These properties play an important role for the structures and components that are intended to sustain various type of loads under the given service conditions. Different applications need specific mechanical properties. Sometimes hardness is required at the surface of the components, like gears, to make them wear resistant and sometimes toughness is required to resist impact loading. This laboratory provides the know-how of the mechanical properties of the materials through various experiments on testing machines and equipment

1.              To study the Brinell hardness testing machine & perform the Brinell hardness test.
2.              To study the Rockwell hardness testing machine & perform the Rockwell hardness test.
3.              To study the Vickers hardness testing machine & perform the Vickers hardness test.
4.              To study the erichsen sheet metal testing machine & perform the erichsen sheet metal test.
5.              To study the Impact testing machine and perform the Impact tests (Izod & Charpy).
6.              To study the Universal testing machine and perform the tensile test.
7.              To perform compression & bending tests on UTM.
8.              To perform the sheer test on UTM.
9.              To study the torsion testing machine and perform the torsion test.
10.         To draw shear Force, Bending Moment Diagrams for a simply Supported Beam under Point and Distributed Loads.
11.         To determine Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency of Single and Double Purchase Winch Crab.
12.         To determine Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency of Worm and Worm Wheel.
13.         To determine Mechanical Advantage, Efficiency of Simple and Compound Screw Jack.
14.         To find Moment of Inertia of a Fly Wheel.

Universal Testing Machine

Spring Compression Testing Machine


Impact Testing Machine

   Mechanism and machine have considerable fascination for most student of Mechanical Engineering since theoretical principles involved have immediate application practical problem. The meaning of word ‘Machine’ given in oxford English dictionary is “an apparatus using or applying mechanical power, having several parts each with a definite function and together performing certain kind of work”. This definition indicates the importance of constrained motion and forces in design of different types of machine. Therefore, it is essential for mechanical engineering student to study basic concepts of machine related to relative motion and forces between various machine elements. To achieve this objective, two labs are set up in the department: a) Kinematics of machine. In this lab, students of mechanical engineering can learn about basic elements of machines through experiments. Kinematics of machine enables the students to study relative motion of different machine elements.This lab includes some attractive models of different types of gear such as model of spur gear, worm and worm gear, bevel gear. These models help the students to study the geometry of different types of gears. Thus, this lab enables the students to study the motion of different machine members without considering the forces.
1.              To determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of a closed coil helical spring and the stiffness of a spring
2.               To determine the value of coefficient of friction for a given pair of surfaces using friction apparatus
3.               To determine the modulus of rigidity of horizontal shaft.
4.               To determine experimentally the ratio of the cutting time to idle time (cutting stroke to idle stroke) of the crank and slotted lever (QRM)/ Whitworth and compare the result to theoretical values plot the following.  A) θ v/s X (displacement of slider). B)  θ v/s velocity. C) θ v/s Acceleration and to compare the values of velocities. (Take angles θ =45°, 90°, 135°, 225°, 270° &335°, ω = 1 rad/s)
5.               To determine the value of coefficient of friction between the screw and nut of the jack, while: a) Raising the load, b) Lowering the load
6.              To draw experimentally a curve of the follower-displacement v/s cam-angle. Differentiate the above curve to get velocity and acceleration plot and compare the values with those obtained analytically.
7.              To determine the coefficient of friction between belt and pulley and plot a graph between log10 T1/T2 v/s, θ.
8.              To determine the displacement, velocities, & accelerations of the driven shaft of a Hooke’s joint for a constant speed of the driver shaft.
9.              To determine velocity & acceleration of slider in slider-crank mechanism and plot the following: a) θ v/s x (displacement of slider), b) θ v/s velocity and c) θ v/s acceleration. Compare the values of velocities & acceleration with those obtained theoretically.(Assume ω=I rad/sec.).
10.         Study of the inversions of the single slider crank mechanism.
11.         To verify the law of moment using Bell- crank lever.

Critical Speed Apparatus

Corollie's Component Apparatus


       The Dynamics of machine lab have great significance in study of those machines where unbalance forces play critical role. This lab enables the students to deal with the problems of balancing and gyroscopic effects. To understand the effect of unbalance forces on machine and to reduce their effects, Dynamics of machine lab is equipped with some essential experimental set ups. The students can study about the methods of reducing the unbalance forces on static and dynamics balancing machine. Watt governor, Porter governor, Hartnell governor are installed in lab to study their performance, stability and sensitivity. Students can study the gyroscopic effect by conducting experiment on motorized gyroscope. Moment of inertia of connected rod by compound pendulum method, tri-flair suspension pendulum can be found out through experiments. Thus, both Kinematics of machines lab and Dynamics of machine lab are developed in such a way that students can understand the basic concept of machines in a logical, innovative and lucid manner.

1.     To determine experimentally, the moment of inertia of a flywheel and axle compare with theoretical values.
2.     To find out critical speed experimentally and to compare the whirling speed of a shaft with theoretical values.
3.     To find experimentally the Gyroscopic couple on motorized gyroscope and compare with applied couple.
4.     To perform the experiment of balancing of rotating parts and finds the unbalanced couple and forces.
5.     To determine experimentally the unbalance forces and couples of reciprocating parts.
6.     To calculate the torque on a planet carrier and torque on internal gear using epicyclic gear train and holding torque apparatus.
7.     To study the different types of centrifugal and inertia governors and demonstrate any one.
8.     To study the automatic transmission unit.
9.     To study the differential types of brakes.
10.                        To find out experimentally the coroli’s component of acceleration and compare with theoretical values.
Gyroscopic Couple

Epicyclic Gear Train

Static & Dynamic Balancing Apparatus


The Applied thermodynamics laboratory consists of a number of models of steam boilers, steam condensers, Steam turbines, various boiler accessories and mountings, 2-stroke petrol and diesel engine and 4-stroke petrol and diesel engine. Besides this laboratory also consist of Bomb calorimeter for finding the calorific value of a sample of fuel.

1.           Study of 2 stroke petrol and diesel engine models.
2.           Study of 4-stroke petrol/diesel engine model.
3.           Study of boilers.
4.           Study of Babcock-Wilcox boiler (Model).
5.           Study of locomotive boiler (Model).
6.           Study of Lancashire boiler (Model).
7.           To study the Red wood viscometer and measure the viscosity of fluid.
8.           To measure the flash point of the given fuel
9.           To study the Nestler’s boiler.
10.      To study various parts of the vertical steam engine.
11.      To study the diesel engine and make a trial on it.

Babcock and Wilcox Bioler

Babcock-Wilcox boiler (Model)

Two Stroke & Four Stroke Engine Models

Engine Model 

  A system for scheduling the manufacture of products and managing stock inventory that aims to optimize costs, minimize inventory and maintain a steady work flow. The modern production technology that might be used by a manufacturing business can identify production blockages and sense capacity constraints, and it does not usually operate at full capacity if sufficient inventory to meet demand already exists. A student in this lab gains knowledge about various core machining processes like working on Lathe, shaper, planer, etc. the students also get aware of a number of welding methods such as MIG welding (Air cooled), TIG welding, Arc welding, etc. The lab also comprises of CNC lathe.

1.           Introduction to milling machines its types functions applications etc.
2.           Practice of slab milling on milling machine.
3.           Practice of slotting on milling machine.
4.           To cut gear teeth on milling machine using dividing head.
5.           Introduction to gear hobber, demonstration of gear hobbing and practice.
6.           Introduction to various grinding wheels and demonstration on the surface grinder.
7.           Introduction to tool and cutter grinder and dynamometer.
8.           Study the constructional detail and working of CNC lathes Trainer.
9.           To carry out welding using TIG/MIG welding set.
10.      Introduction, demonstration & practice on profile projector & gauges.
11.      To make a component on lathe machine using copy turning attachment.
12.      To cut external threads on a lathe.
13.      To cut multi slots on a shaper machine.
To perform drilling and boring operation on a Component.

Arc Welding

Lathe Machine

Milling Machine

Milling Machine

Surface Grinder

Shaper Machine

CNC Machine